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Founded in 1967, CJSF fosters high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship in the middle school grades. Like CSF, CJSF emphasizes service to the school and the community while fostering pride in scholastic achievement. In recent years the rapid growth of the California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) has greatly strengthened CSF.

The CJSF Seal

CJSF students may become Honor Award Members. Those who qualify have the Honor Award seal placed on their certificate of promotion and are eligible to wear the CJSF gold pin. CJSF also sponsors an awards program. Each year, advisers nominate Honor Award members for special recognition in the CJSF Outstanding Student Award program. All nominees are recognized at their spring conferences, receiving award certificates. Those selected as recipients by regional subcommittees are presented with a $250 award and medallion, in addition to the certificate. In April 1989, the state board of directors changed the name of the award to “The Marian Huhn Memorial Award,” in honor of Mrs. Marian Huhn, long-time CJSF adviser at St. Jeanne de Lestonnac School, Tustin, and CJSF state Registrar at the time of her death in November 1988. The first Huhn Awards were presented at the 1990 spring regional conferences.

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