If your student is absent for any reason we must have notification from the parent/guardian with an explanation of why. Please include your students first and last name, the date of absence, the reason, and your name. You can:
Send a note with your student when they return to school. Students can write the note but it MUST be signed by a parent or guardian and turned in to the Attendance Desk.
Call the Attendance office @ 891-3080 Ext. 41115
Stop by the Attendance desk.
Use the online submission form in left column of this page.
Off Campus Permits
If you need to pick up your student during school hours, your student will need an off campus permit from the attendance desk prior to leaving campus. The Attendance Clerk will need to know the students first last name, the reason, the time, and your name. You can:
Send your student with a note. (Most convenient because your student can meet you at a designated time and place.) Students can write the note but it MUSTbe signed by a parent or guardian and turned in to the Attendance Desk.
Call the attendance office @ 891-3080 Ext. 41115
Stop by the attendance desk. (Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to appointment time. Your student could be in P.E. and it takes longer to contact them and get ready to leave.)
All Students MUSTbe signed out by who is picking them up.
Excused Tardy Policy
Student must check into front office with:
Note from the doctor
Note or call from parent stating student had an appointment
Note or call from parent starting student was ill.
Unexcused Tardy Policy
Students who have an unexcused tardy for reasons such as oversleeping or running late must check into the main office before going to class. Each unexcused tardy results in one day of lunchtime detention, to be served the following school day. Please be aware that students who are habitually tardy may be brought before the SARB (Student Attendance Review Board) committee.
Independent Study
INDEPENDENT STUDY needs at least 5 (school) days of advanced notice. Please contact Alicia Leonard at your earliest convenience if you have a planned absence of five days or more.