1. Counselors
at each jr. high shall be responsible for the promotional requirement
program, monitoring student progress and recommending appropriate
remediation as needed. Counselors shall consult with a student s
language arts, reading and/or mathematics teachers to determine academic
progress towards district established standards in reading, language
arts and mathematics.
2. Promotion for 6th, 7th and 8th graders enrolled at the jr. high schools will be based upon:
a) Credits: A student will earn 50 out of 60 credits each year for
promotion to the next grade,including credits earned in the
remediation/intervention program. The same class may not be failed
b) Semester Grades: Credits will be calculated by semester, but
reviewed quarterly to identify students in need of participation in the
remediation/intervention program.
c) Attendance: A student must attend a minimum of 85% of total school days each year.
d) Multiple Measures: A student must demonstrate proficiency at the
Meets Standard level on CUSD multiple measures for his/her grade level
in reading, writing and mathematics. Students who score above the 39th
percentile on the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT9) in reading and
mathematics may be exempt from other multiple measures in these subject
areas. Students who score below the 40th percentile in reading and
mathematics on the SAT9 shall meet the other multiple measures at the
Meets Standard level for those subjects.
e) Review Committee: A review committee comprised of the
principal/designee, counselor, parent, student and any other person
deemed relevant by the parent or school will be established at each site
to consider special circumstances of students not meeting the
promotional requirements.
3. Remediation/Interventions (R/I)
a) R/I Strategies may include, but are not limited to, a class within
the daily schedule, before or after school class, summer school,
Saturday program or Alternative Education placement.
b) Entry: A student may begin R/I as deemed necessary by the parent/guardian and school officials.
c) Credit:
i) A student may earn 5 credits for a failed class by successfully
completing a quarter-long R/I strategy with minimal proficiency, as
determined by the R/I team. The R/I strategy will be prescribed based
upon the diagnosed reason for the student s deficiency.
ii) R/I services shall be offered on a space available basis.
d) Attendance: A student must attend a minimum of 85% of the days in the R/I strategy.